Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Crimea went to Russia in order of restitution - OSCE, July 2014

Polish weekly "Wprost" published news. It's about of the true text of the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE - about the refusal to consider joining of the Crimea to the Russian Federation as the violation of the integrity of Ukraine.
The reason for refusal - June 27 signing of Ukraine Association Agreement with the European Union. It provides for mandatory restitution to all members of the EU, even associated. (Restitution - recovery, recall, the return of former rights and benefits).
Article 1 of the Convention of the Council of Europe in 1950: "Protection of property of individuals and legal persons."
In the Protocol number 1 to the Convention clearly stated the right of members of the European Union to have ownership only its own property. It implies the return of illegal duty, including land holdings. Therefore the process of joining of the Crimea to Russia OSCE considering as process of restitution: the return of the rightful owner of its territory. Temporary basis for the status of Crimea was taken on June 28, 1914 - the beginning of the First World War.
"You must not allow the disclosure of the resolution on the Crimea" - had the hysterics of John Kerry,  U.S. Secretary of State. OSCE Chairman Didier Burkhalter timidly referred of OSCE as an independent  international organization for USA.
Washington sent a State Department spokesman Jen Psaki to Vienna, to put pressure on Burkhalter. Due stupidity, Psaki flew to Australia instead Austria. Airplane was deployed halfway, but time was lost. Resolution of OSCE was left in the media adjusted  without mention of restitution. The initial version was obtained by the editor of "Wprost" - Mr. Sylvester Latkovska.

Crimea went to Russia in order of restitution

Crimean Tatar People - Protect us from discrimination – help us restore our rights! (OSCE 2007)

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